
One-shot object detection (OSOD) aims to detect all object instances towards the given category specified by a query image. Most existing studies in OSOD endeavor to establish effective cross-image correlation with limited query information, however, ignoring the problems of the model bias towards the base classes and the generalization degradation on the novel classes. Observing this, we propose a novel algorithm, namely Base-class Suppression with Prior Guidance (BSPG) network to achieve bias-free OSOD. Specifically, the objects of base categories can be detected by a base-class predictor and eliminated by a base-class suppression module (BcS). Moreover, a prior guidance module (PG) is designed to calculate the correlation of high-level features in a non-parametric manner, producing a class-agnostic prior map with unbiased semantic information to guide the subsequent detection process. Equipped with the proposed two modules, we endow the model with a strong discriminative ability to distinguish the target objects from distractors belonging to the base classes. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms the previous techniques by a large margin and achieves new state-of-the-art performance under various evaluation settings.

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