
This digital media composition explores two alternative writing styles: free-writing, a term coined by Peter Elbow, and translanguaging, the practice in which writers incorporate different languages into their writing. This project’s significance lies in helping college writers become more comfortable with the writing process and expressing their ideas more clearly. Doing so will promote inclusivity in bilingual education by creating an environment where students don’t have to limit which language they use for their writing. Traditional writing practices emphasize writing in a structured and formal manner, often discouraging individuals from exploring their thoughts and ideas freely. Additionally, bilingual education often prioritizes one language over the other, neglecting the benefits of incorporating multiple languages into writing. There is a lack of research exploring alternative writing styles, such as free-writing and translanguaging, as well as their potential benefits for college writers; while some research exists, there is a need to explore these topics further and to promote the benefits of incorporating alternative writing styles in education and daily life. This project aims to fill the gap by providing firsthand experiences with free-writing in both creative and academic contexts and exploring the potential benefits of incorporating different languages into writing. Through personal reflections, examples of free-writing in Spanish, and scholarly articles, this project aims to encourage writers to try new writing techniques, promote inclusivity in bilingual education, and bring awareness to the many unique ways of engaging with translanguaging in the classroom.

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