
Chaos theory is a branch of mathematics that studies systems highly sensitive to initial conditions. Various methods for analyzing and controlling these systems, such as bifurcation theory and amplitude control, have been developed and applied in diverse fields, including cryptography, physics, and engineering.In this study, we introduce a new class of Bernoulli-Like Shift (BLS) maps. These maps are generated by using a specific class of Piecewise Linear (PWL) maps combined with a modulo operation. We conduct a fixed point analysis by establishing propositions and corollaries, which outline the conditions that guarantee the presence or absence of fixed points. Additionally, we provide numerical examples to validate these theoretical results.Utilizing bifurcation diagrams and Lyapunov exponent calculations, we demonstrate that the range of chaotic behavior in the BLS maps is broader than those of the logistic and Bernoulli Shift maps. Moreover, we show that the BLS maps possess higher values of Lyapunov exponents and a better distribution than both the Bernoulli shift and logistic maps.Lastly, we introduce a transformation that generates a modified BLS map, allowing for amplitude control. This modification enables the regulation of amplitude while maintaining constant Lyapunov exponents.

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