
Introduction Delusions of parasitosis or Ekbom syndrome are a psychotic disorder that causes a patient to suffer from the substantial false belief that he or she is infested with a parasite or helminth..Case Presentation The patient was a 44-year-old, unemployed divorced man with a past psychiatric history of schizophrenia. He was referred to the emergency department (ED) with a complaint of a rupture of the abdomen. He believed that a large, threatening helminth or macro parasite had entered in his abdomen and was eating and destroying his intestines, liver and other internal organs. Therefore, following these thoughts, he decided to explore his abdomen and to remove of this “vampire.”.Conclusions Delusional infestation or parasitosis may be detected in context and secondary to schizophrenia with nihilistic delusion and may create a high degree of suffering for patients, ultimately cause mortality, because of threatening behaviors toward the self..

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