
Our research aimed to measure the importance of self-esteem in assessing the disease burden in patients with vitiligo, which, according to our knowledge, had not been studied earlier. The purpose of this research study was to expand the state of knowledge regarding the influence of vitiligo on the quality of patients' life, with a particular focus on their self-esteem. We have formulated the following two hypotheses which include H1: two latent factors characterize the self-esteem of patients with vitiligo; H2: the self-esteem of the patients with Vitiligo is correlated with their life quality, by influencing it to a high degree. We have used two validated questionnaires called Rosenberg (Q1), for the evaluation of self-esteem (for proving H1), and Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) (Q2), to measure the health-related quality of life of patients (for proving H2). Both questionnaires with 10 questions were applied to the same set of 114 carefully selected patients with no missing values to questions. An in-depth statistical and reliability analysis was performed on the outcomes provided by Q1, applying a scale and subscale reliability analysis, using the Cronbach's alpha reliability indicator (Cα). An exploratory analysis called Principal Axis Factoring (PAF) with Oblimin with Kaiser Normalization rotation was applied to prove H1, verifying the assumptions regarding the average variance extracted (AVE) and convergent and discriminant validity (CDV). A scale reliability analysis of outcomes provided by Q2 was performed for proving H2, by calculating Cα. Additionally, a nonparametric correlation analysis was performed, by calculating the Spearman r correlation coefficient between the Rosenberg index and DLQI index, and the 95% confidence interval (CI). Based on the provided data, the value of Cα obtained in Q1 was 0.84. As a result of applying PAF on Q1, H1 has been proven and two latent factors of self-esteem have been extracted. These factors were named competence (eigenvalue = 4.126; 41.258% of total variance explained) and value (eigenvalue = 1.857; 18.57% of total variance explained). For the two subscales determined by the two factors, we have obtained the Cα values of 0.848 and 0.8, all indicating good reliability. For testing H2, on Q2 data we obtained Cα = 0.914. The Spearman correlation coefficient r = -0.734 (p < 0.0001), between the self-esteem questionnaire evaluation result and the life-quality index result indicated the existence of a strong negative correlation, which is significant according to 95% CI [-0.81, -0.63]. The study focused on analyzing the self-esteem of patients with vitiligo. In addition, the psychometric properties of the Q1 questionnaire were analyzed and Q1 proved to have good internal consistency. PAF indicated a two-factorial structure, with factors called competence and value, proving H1, with a moderate correlation of 0.427 between the two latent constructs. The competence factor includes motivation, self-efficacy, initiative, and persistence in action. The value factor is much more complex, indicating a feeling, a personal evaluation, or a positive or negative attitude toward one's person, which better captures the entire phenomenology of self-esteem. The statistical analysis of the results provided by the self-esteem questionnaire included questions that proved to be internally consistent. The AVE and CDV assumptions were met. Q2 was proved to have excellent scale reliability. H2 proved a statistically significant strong negative correlation between the Rosenberg score and DLQI score.

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