
Some parts of the Middle Benue Trough (MBT) of Nigeria were evaluated with the aim of detecting prospective geothermal potential regions. Spectral depth analysis using a modified centroid procedure was applied to analyze high-resolution airborne magnetic data. The Curie point depth (CPD) within the study area is in the range of 6.0 and 16 km. It was observed that the Gboko Anticlines (GA) that are interrelated with the Santonian intrusions of Abakaliki Anticlinorium (AA) are characterized by thin CPD (6.0–8.0 km). The mapped geothermal anomalies within the GA with shallow CPD (<8.0 km) are dominated by the high geothermal gradient (GG) (>74 °C/km) and heat flow (HF) (>155 mW/m2) values. The adjoining areas within the study area are defined by medium-deep CPD (8.0–16.0 km), medium–low GG (<74 °C/km), and HF (<155 mW/m2) values. The further integrated geophysical investigation and subsequent exploitation programs should be sited in the delineated GA and adjoining AA

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