
The advent of multinational brewing companies to the Ethiopian brewery sector has contributed to the introduction of Contract Farming Arrangements (CFAs) among small scale malt barely farmers in various parts of the country. That is, subsequent to the arrival of multinational brewing companies to the Ethiopian business landscape, the major brewing companies have introduced CFAs with smallholder barley farmers from major barley growing areas of the country, particularly in Arisi, Sebeta, and North Gondar areas. However, no systematic, empirical study has been conducted to assess the ongoing contract farming practices implemented by those breweries in terms of progress, achievements and challenges encountered. Accordingly, this study endeavours to provide an original, empirically anchored evidence, on the prospects and challenges of the ongoing barley CFAs with particular focus on the perspectives of the smallholder barley farmers towards addressing existing challenges they face and in order to better delivery the CFA for the benefits both the smallholder farmers and the sponsoring companies involved by way of better organizational commitment. Towards this end, an exploratory, qualitative studies approach was employed to assess the concurrent barley CFAs that the prominent foreign and local breweries are implementing. In doing so, the study conducted in depth interviews with fifteen respondents, including six managers from three sponsoring companies and nine individual farmers’ representatives. This study has hugely benefited from the unique opportunity that CFA offers in terms of assessing the direct relationship between the sponsoring firms and the smallholder farmers involved. The study results show that there are diverse organizational support activities that the sponsoring firms are rendering to the smallholder farmers in the CFAs such as providing improved quality seeds, subsidizing prices of improved quality seeds, input credit, premium prices, and agronomical support in terms of training and technical assistance. Nonetheless, there are certain concerns raised by some of the smallholder farmers that deserve due consideration of the sponsoring firms, which can be addressed through further organizational commitments from the part of the sponsoring firms of the CFAs.


  • Contract farming has been in existence for many years as a means of organizing the commercial agricultural production of both large scale and small scale farmers

  • In view of this, this study explores the existing organizational support that the smallholder barley farmers receive from the Contract Farming Arrangements (CFAs) and the challenges that they still encounter under the CFA in order to forward suggestions to address the prevailing challenges, which in turn will help reinforce the ongoing CFAs to deliver better results to the smallholder farmers in terms of improving the farmers‘ productivity and income

  • This research explored contract farming practices and concerns by examining ongoing CFAs implemented by companies with smallholder barley farmers in Ethiopia with the goal to provide insight on what forms of organizational support are rendered to the small holder farmers by the companies that sponsor the CFAs, the benefits that the smallholder farmers obtain from their involvement in the CFA, why the case companies engage in contract farming, prevailing concerns that the smallholder farmers are faced with in the CFAs, and how could the barley CFAs, which are currently underway be reinforced to deliver better results to the smallholder farmers in terms of improving the farmers‘ productivity and income

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Contract farming has been in existence for many years as a means of organizing the commercial agricultural production of both large scale and small scale farmers. Interest in it continues to expand, in countries that previously followed a central planning policy and in those countries that have liberalized marketing (Eaton & Shepherd, 2001). Advocates of Contract Farming Arrangements (CFAs) uphold that it benefits both the farmers and sponsors, who involve in this strategy. Otsuka, Nakano, and Takahashi (2016) explain that contract farming contributes to the improvement of farmers‘ income by introducing new crops and production methods, and it has a room for strengthening its effects on poverty reduction through policy. Bhaumik (2008, p. 192) states that ―contract farming leads to big jumps in incomes and employment in agriculturally backward regions, and brings a break from low levels of productivity and instability in production, putting the local economy on a dynamic path of growth and development.‖ the World Bank (2008) expressed its support to contract farming asserting that contract farming is ―an institutional innovation, which can reduce the transaction costs and risks of smallholders‖(p.237), as it is ― essential for smallholders to take part in value chains‖ (p241) as a result it is ―often viewed as a means of increasing smallholder welfare in developing countries‖ (Bellemare, 2012, p.1418)

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