
Local culture, like Batik Jetis, must be economically viable to be preserved. Product innovation and themes flourish quickly in regions with a thriving batik industry, like Pekalongan. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the Jetis batik motif in order to enhance the batik industry. The purpose of this study is to explore the Batik Jetis motif and create a brand-new one. There are three stages to the design process: research (studies on existing motifs and observations), setting exploratory boundaries, and motif exploration (experimental studies, depth interviews, prototyping). In order to avoid losing the characteristics that make Batik Jetis distinctive during the exploration phase, it is crucial to identify the components of the Batik Jetis motif that can be developed and those that must be retained. Twelve design outcomes were produced as a result of the research, and they were divided into three series: (1) Tebu Mekar Biru Series, (2) Kembang Bayem Kupu Series, and (3) Pari Kemuning Series. These three series are based on the Kembang Tebu, Kembang Bayem, and Beras Utah motif, which are the original Batik Jetis designs. The long cloth, shawl, and scarf that are the end products of the design are worn.

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