
although vocal music teaching in preschool education specialty develops very fast, some significant problems exist in the development process. This paper expounds important status of vocal music education in preschool education, and lists prominent problems of current vocal music teaching in preschool education specialty and reform measures of vocal music teaching. Continuous development of Chinese economy drives continuous social improvement. Currently, since living standards of Chinese people improve, new higher requirements are put forward for education. Multiple mew specialties spring up continuously, including preschool education specialty. Main teaching objective of vocal music teaching in preschool education specialty is to cultivate learners' artistic thinking ability, and mobilize their initiative to learn vocal music course so as to promote their better development. But, numerous inharmonious factors exist in college vocal music teaching, thus influencing teaching effects of this course. Thus, colleges and teachers should boldly reform, and explore new means and methods of vocal music teaching under new situation so as to cultivate high-quality infant education workers. I. Important status of vocal music education in preschool education Vocal music education plays a vital role in preschool education. Most parents consider music can cultivate one's taste and improve temperament and interest. Besides, it is a good way out for their children in the future. In the process of implementing preschool education, vocal music is still a window by which students can cross the threshold. It can boost children's intelligence and actual operational ability so as to improve their learning ability. In preschool education, vocal music learning is an excellent choice. Nowadays, an increasing number of musical instruments come into view of children. A large increase in vocal music education options is also closely related to vocal music education development in Chinese colleges. The result is that people's quality improves greatly. In preschool education, music education aims to specifically and actually influence children in the key stage of their intellectual development so that children can figure out more learning and life contents. In the opinion of the author, vocal music education mainly plays two functions in preschool education: 1) enlightenment. This is also an important objective of preschool education. Even if some parents are utilitarian for preschool education, they cannot deny significant enlightenment functions of preschool education; 2) guidance. Parents expect their children can grow up as soon as possible. Thus, they expect to improve children's strength in future fierce talent competition through preschool education.

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