
城市美學治理是哲學,也是科學,因為它不僅反映市民美學的意識、素養與價值,也是城市追求善治的社會學習、公共選擇與城市治理的過程。台北面對全球化新自由主義的浪潮、快速變遷的移民社會與多元文化差異的現實,存在著複雜的美學意識與衝突的價值體系,要尋求台北城市美學的集體共識顯然是艱困與長期的挑戰。本文探究與建立城市美學治理的假說與邏輯架構,發展出一套包含五個漸進式的循環步驟,期待作為推動城市美學治理的程序性操作建議,並以台北市政府城市美學專案辦公室之運作進行實證案例研究。研究發現此一城市美學治理的架構與假說,可作為檢視、評估與精進城市美學治理的理論架構與實務運作之參考,另基於實證研究結果,也提出未來城市美學治理的制度性與操作性計16項具體建議,期能發揮承先起後的作用。Urban aesthetics governance is both philosophy and science, because it not only reflects the awareness, quality and value of citizens' aesthetics, but also the process of social learning, public choice and urban governance in the city's pursuit of good governance. Facing the tide of global neo-liberalism, the rapidly changing immigrant society and the reality of multicultural differences, Taipei has complex aesthetic consciousness and conflicting value systems. It is obviously difficult and long-term to seek a collective consensus on Taipei's urban aesthetics challenge. This article explores and establishes the hypothesis and logical framework of urban aesthetics governance, and develops a set of five progressive cyclical steps, which is expected to serve as a procedural operational suggestion to promote urban aesthetics governance, and is carried out with the operation of the Urban Aesthetics Project Office of the Taipei City Government empirical case studies. The research found that this framework and hypothesis of urban aesthetics governance can be used as a reference for examining, evaluating and improving the theoretical framework and practical operation of urban aesthetics governance. In addition, based on the results of this empirical research, it is proposed that the future urban aesthetics governance of Taipei City Institutional and operational specific recommendations. In addition, based on the results of this empirical study, sixteen specific suggestions for institutional and operational aspects of urban aesthetics governance in the future are put forward, hoping to play a role of succession.

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