
Movie genre prediction from trailers is mostly attempted in a multi-modal manner. However, the characteristics of movie trailer audio indicate that this modality alone might be highly effective in genre prediction. Movie trailer audio predominantly consists of speech and music signals in isolation or overlapping conditions. This work hypothesizes that the genre labels of movie trailers might relate to the composition of their audio component. In this regard, speech-music confidence sequences for the trailer audio are used as a feature. In addition, two other features previously proposed for discriminating speech-music are also adopted in the current task. This work proposes a time and channel Attention Convolutional Neural Network (ACNN) classifier for the genre classification task. The convolutional layers in ACNN learn the spatial relationships in the input features. The time and channel attention layers learn to focus on crucial time steps and CNN kernel outputs, respectively. The Moviescope dataset is used to perform the experiments, and two audio-based baseline methods are employed to benchmark this work. The proposed feature set with the ACNN classifier improves the genre classification performance over the baselines. Moreover, decent generalization performance is obtained for genre prediction of movies with different cultural influences (EmoGDB).

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