
A preliminary exploration of the application and effects of digital orthopaedic technique combined with the clinical practice in our clinical teaching of orthopaedics and trauma for 8-year program medical students has been made. Construction of 3D-model of bone and joint with the digital reconstruction technology, combination of 3D-display with detailed clinical cases, individual studying of knowledge, and fracture models performed by three dimensional printing, all have enhanced the students' understanding of the basics knowledge of orthopaedic trauma and accelerated the process of its joining into clinical practice. Related software has been used to realize the virtual design of fracture reduction and fixation and based on it, students have been guided to personally involve in the development and realization of surgical simulation program on a personal computer, thus improving students' capabilities of analysis, diagnosis and treatment of illness. Besides, students have been actively guided to use digital technology to conduct the finite element analysis of posterior malleolar fractures and calcaneus fractures, and to produce APP software for mobile devices such as ankle fracture classification and function scoring, which has aroused students' interest of clinical research and innovation Key words: Digtalorthopaedie; Traumatic orthopedic; Eight year program medical education

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