
Clean water is one of the basic needs to support human life. As the population grows, the need for clean water also increases. In the development of the National Capital area in North Penajam Paser, a lot of clean water will be needed. The study aims to find out alternative steps that will be taken to increase the fulfillment of clean water needs in the construction area of flats housing construction workers (HPK) in the National Capital Region (IKN) North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. The study was carried out in the construction area of flats housing construction workers in the National Capital Region, North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. The data collected is in the form of qualitative data, namely a description of the study location in general, and quantitative data: number of residents, water needs per person, number of flats for worker housing, and rain conditions in the study area. The techniques used to collect data that are appropriate to the object of study are observation, interviews, institutional visits, and literature review. The analytical methods used are: (1) a qualitative approach using descriptive analysis which describes the existing conditions of the study area, (2) analysis of population projections and (3) analysis of clean water supply. The study results in a show that efforts to provide clean water in HPK IKN can be done other than dams and reservoirs, namely by harvesting rainwater through infiltration wells, rainwater collection ponds, bio pore absorption holes, rain gardens, porous paving blocks, and storage reservoirs.

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