
The state of health depends on the functional state of Dosha, Dhatu, Mala, Srotas, and Agni. The concept of functional and nutritional interdependence of Dhatu as well as a physiological and pathological aspect of all the seven Dhatu has been described by Ayurveda scholars. The metabolic effect of Meda and Majja Dhatu on other tissues like a muscle (Mamsa Dhatu), bone (Asthi Dhatu), and reproductive tissue (Shukra Dhatu) show their functional interdependence. The Ayurveda compendia, as well as recent research data, shows that obesity is the disorder of nutrition, which depends on lifestyle and diet. The obesity has been discussed in relation to Medovaha Srotodushti and Meda Dhatu Vriddhi. Although the physiology of Vasa, Meda, and Majja tissue has not been elaborated much, their clinical physiology has been described. This article aims to comprehend the pathophysiology of obesity as well as manifestations on the disturbed functional state of Meda and Majja Dhatu, as depicted by Ayurveda scholars in light of contemporary science. This article will be helpful in developing a vision regarding the clinical physiology of Meda and Majja, which will be further helpful in the exploration of pathophysiology and the management of obesity and associated disorders manifested by them. On exhaustive study, it was observed that the clinical physiology of Meda and Majja Dhatu shares quite a resemblance with the outcomes of contemporary researches on adipocytes, but still, some of these are still under the research.

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