
Open-field activity, avoidance behavior, and plasma corticosterone levels were studied after intraamygdala injections of 3.0 micrograms ibotenic acid (IBO) and radio-frequency (RF) lesions in the amygdala complex of male Wistar rats. The experiments were undertaken to evaluate the importance of amygdala neurons versus axons of passage in fear-motivated behavior. The IBO lesions led to increased open-field activity, but no impairments in active avoidance learning, nor changes in basal or experimental levels of plasma corticosterone. The RF lesions, on the other hand, led to an increase in experimental plasma corticosterone levels. In the one-way avoidance task the RF lesions, in contrast to the IBO lesions, led to significant impairments in the acquisition of the avoidance response. Although the long-term axon-sparing effect of IBO is questioned since cavities were detected in the affected areas 8 weeks after the injections, the differences in avoidance learning and in corticosterone levels between the RF and the IBO lesions indicate that the axons were functionally active at the time of testing (14-26 days postoperatively). The increase in open-field activity is attributed to the destruction of amygdala neurons and neurons in the overlying cortex, while an avoidance deficit seem to depend on the destruction of axons. On the basis of the behavioral results and the corticosterone data in these experiments, it is suggested that the behavioral changes are not attributable to a general reduction in the arousal of fear. However, since the IBO lesions did not affect the most medial parts of the amygdala complex including the central amygdala nucleus, the role of this nucleus in fear arousal has to be investigated further.

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