
Recommender systems aim to suggest items of interest from historical interactions between users and items. Advanced methods such as path-based recommendations attempt to capture high-order user–item interactions for better recommendation performance. However, these methods focus more on the local view of user–item interactions, ignoring the global view, which limits performance. Two more drawbacks further restrict the performance of existing methods. First, most do not consider the relations (or relation directions) between successive nodes when constructing a multi-hop path (i.e., high-order local interactions) from a user to a target item. Second, the influential factors of path length and number of relation types are ignored when computing path importance to aggregate paths for better local representation. To resolve these issues, we propose a recommendation model that can well capture high-order local and global (HOLG) user–item interactions. A path-embedding module learns a local representation of user–item interactions via a long short-term memory network, taking (directed) relations of successive nodes as input. Multiple local representations are aggregated with an attention network, using both path length and number of relation types as important factors. A graph-embedding module learns a global representation of user–item interactions by constructing a subgraph from sampled user–item paths. Experiments on the LinkedIn, MovieLens-1M, and Yelp datasets validate our approach, which performs best in comparison with eight baselines.

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