
AbstractHydraulic heterogeneity can strongly influence habitat selection by stream fishes. Velocity gradients created by channel roughness and flow obstructions may be particularly important for species that feed on drifting invertebrates, where maintaining focal points in low‐velocity microhabitats adjacent to faster water allows fish to scan a larger water volume for prey while minimizing swimming costs. However, these velocity gradients are rarely integrated into habitat suitability criteria used for defining instream flow requirements, which are generally based on mean column velocity measurements at the focal point location. It is also unclear how velocity gradient exploitation differs among sympatric drift‐feeding species. We measured the use of velocity gradients by two sympatric juvenile salmonids, Coho Salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch and steelhead O. mykiss, in a midorder cobble–boulder‐dominated river. We compared focal point velocities of fish to adjacent velocities within their foraging area and compared the magnitude of velocity and kinetic energy gradients between species. We then explored how lateral velocity gradients may bias instream flow assessments by deriving two sets of velocity habitat suitability curves (HSCs): conventional HSCs using average water column velocities measured at focal point locations and spatially averaged HSCs incorporating adjacent velocities (four body lengths from focal points). These contrasting HSCs were then used as input into the physical habitat simulation model to predict the influence of flow on habitat availability. Both species often used focal velocities that were lower than adjacent points, but the magnitude of these velocity gradients was higher for steelhead, consistent with known differences in foraging behavior, habitat selection, and physiology. Incorporating adjacent velocities into HSCs resulted in a ~40% (steelhead) and ~10% (Coho Salmon) increase in flows predicted to optimize habitat availability. Thus, small‐scale heterogeneity in velocity used by drift‐feeding fish can lead to large biases in flow assessments.

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