
One approach in the text of discourse is a variation theory approach. This approach focuses on the study of structural theory in the text and how the shape and meaning at the level of the clause have contributed to the formation of a text (Schriffrin in Djatmika, 2012: 10). Therefore, in this paper will be assessed on (1) what are the types of clauses contained in the Book I KUHPer ?, and (2) how the relationship interclause as the implementation of ideational meaning in Book I KUHPer? This study aims to provide a general overview of the relationship antarklausa in Book I KUHPer in order to provide an understanding of the meaning of the ideational or logical meaning in the text. This research data is data write tangible clause in Book I KUHPer as the primary data source. The process of determining the sample in this study using purposive sampling technique based sampling criterion. Data collection techniques in this study using techniques refer to the note. Based on the relationship antarklausa in Book I KUHPer can be seen that (1) the type of clause in the Civil Code clause exploited by the type of complex, both parataktik and hipotaktik. In addition, there is also a clause simplex, minor clause and embedded clause; (2) the meaning of the ideational or logical meaning in Book I KUHPer implemented in interclause complex relationship based on the dimensions of interdependence (extension, elaboration, enhansi) and semantic logic in the form of locutions verbal behavior. Keywords: exploitation clause, clause structure, ideational meaning, Book I KUHPer

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