
This thesis provides an explicit, general trace formula for the Hecke and Casimir eigenvalues of GL(2)-automorphic representations over a global field. In special cases, we obtain Selberg's original trace formula. Computations for the determinant of the scattering matrices, the residues of the Eisenstein series, etc. are provided. The first instance of a mixed, uniform Weyl law for every algebraic number field is given as standard application. ``Mixed'' means that automorphic forms with preassigned discrete series representation at a set of real places are counted. ``Uniform'' indicates that the estimates implicitly depend on the number field, but not on the congruence subgroup. The method of proof relies on a suitable partition of the cuspidal, automorphic spectrum, and the explication of the non-invariant Arthur trace formula via Bushnell and Kutzko's theory of types. A pseudo matrix coefficient for each local, square-integrable representation, i.e., the discrete series, the supercuspidal, or the Steinberg representation, is constructed explicitly.

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