
In studying the hot plasma behavior in tokamak devices, the classical approach for collisional processes is traditionally used. This approach leaves unexplained a number of phenomena observed in experiments related to plasma energy confinement. Further, it is well known that tokamak plasma is always turbulent and self-organized. In the present paper, we show that the nonequilibrium thermodynamics approach allows us to explain many observed dependences and paradoxes; for example, puffing of impurities results in confinement improvement if zones of plasma cooling by impurities and additional plasma heating are not overlapped. The analysis of the experimental results shows the important role of radiation losses at the plasma edge in the processes determining its total energy confinement. It is shown that the generally accepted dependence of energy confinement on plasma density is not quite adequate because it is a consequence of dependence on radiation losses. The phenomenon of the appearance of internal transport barriers and magnetic islands can also be explained by plasma self-organization. The obtained results may be taken into account when calculating the operation of a future tokamak reactor.

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