
Wherever the discussion may be identified from space, In fact, this word has a place. One of the problems of modern cities, Discussion of urban identity in these cities. Little regard to the identity of the dimensions and low sense of place, Solidarity and social participation, Reducing incentives for residents to continue living, and the impact of failing to meet population goals. Identity crisis could be ground for authentication attempts. he concept of identity in both traditional and modern architecture of today's deals and password anonymity identities proliferate over the identity of the man is divine. Dimensional space, the space that Form someone or something is occupied With meaning and value. In other words, where the confluence of the form Function and meaning of space Sense of place primarily meant to be special and stand apart, Remain stable (continuing to) and belonging to the collection. Place and space are important factors that need to provide identification. In this paper, the relationship between people living in places with their identity, Break time and a place that has attracted the attention of theorists. This study aimed to identify the location, The main element of the identity of its residents. Identifying the location can be achieved in human self-understanding. Place where we're being thorough conceptual said. The library also has a research and field The research results show that the identity of the people involved in the vision is to be retroactive, It takes time and needs to benefit from its roots in individual and collective needs of the citizens in the city.

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