
With the increasing use of online mediums, Internet-delivered psychological treatments (IDPs) are becoming an essential tool for improving mental disorders. Online-based health therapies can help a large segment of the population with little resource investment. The task is greatly complicated by the overlapping emotions for specific mental health. Early adoption of a deep learning system presented severe difficulties, including ethical and legal considerations that contributed to a lack of trust. Modern models required highly interpretable, intuitive explanations that humans could understand. To achieve this, we present a deep attention model based on fuzzy classification that uses the linguistic features of patient texts to build emotional lexicons. In medical applications, a diversified dataset generates work. Active learning techniques are used to extend fuzzy rules and the learned dataset gradually. From this, the model can gain a reduction in labeling efforts in mental health applications. In this way, difficulties such as the amount of vocabulary per class, method of generation, the source of data, and the baseline for human performance level can be solved. Moreover, this work illustrates fuzzy explainability by using weighted terms. The proposed method incorporates a subset of unstructured data into the set for training and uses a similarity-based approach. The approach then updates the model training using the new training points in the subsequent cycle of the active learning mechanism. The cycle is repeated until the optimal solution is found. At this point, all unlabeled text is converted into the set for training. The experimental results show that the emotion-based enhancement improves test accuracy and helps develop quality criteria. In the blind test, the bidirectional LSTM architecture with an attention mechanism and fuzzy classification achieved an F1 score of 0.89.

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