
Background and Aim: Smoking directly or indirectly has serious impact on health of an individual. During smoking various chemicals and toxic substances are released into the air such as nicotine, carbon monoxide which can be inhaled by the people nearby indirectly. Pregnant mothers may passively inhale carbonmonoxidewhen exposed to such environment. Maternal Carbon monoxide passes through placenta and enters foetalblood combine with foetalhaemoglobin forming foetal carboxy haemoglobin. Foetal carboxy haemoglobin in turn makes oxygen unavailableto foetal tissues which could be the reason for various poor outcomes in unborn foetus such as low birth weight, intra uterine growth retardation with higher rates of perinatal mortality. This study is aimed at measuring the expired air carbon monoxide levels in passively smoking pregnant women that can be correlated with exposure to passive smoking. Method and Materials: 100 antenatal women of gestational age between 26 to 34 weeks with and without exposure to passive smoking were measured for carbon monoxide levels in their expired air usingsimple, portable non invasive carbon monoxidemonitor. Statistical Analysis: Data analysis was done with unpaired student t test. P value of <0.05 was taken to be significant. Results: No significant statistical difference is observed between cases and control groupsin expired aircarbon monoxide levels. Discussion and Conclusion: The lesser half life of carbon monoxide in exhaled air. The longtime interval between the exposure and the time of testing, the metabolic changes associated with pregnancy could have made this test inconclusive. Though gold standard blood analytic method cannot be replaced by this breath monitors,it can be used as a simple portable noninvasive toolto educate pregnant women to avoid exposure to passive smoking.


  • According to the international consultation on environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) and child health, International Journal of Physiology, July-September 2020, Vol 8, No 03 7 as western countries indirect exposure to smoking is not exhaled CO13. there is a direct link between the uncommon

  • This study conducted in August 2014 in Govt Egmorematernity hospital after institutional ethics clearance. 100 pregnant women in the gestational age group between 26-34 weeks were selected randomly from morningantenatal clinic and classified into 2 groups those exposed to passive smoking (Exposure to other people’s tobacco smoke) and those not exposed to passive smoking

  • The result of this study showed that expired air breath carbon monoxide analysis by breath monitors is less reliable in detecting exposure to passive smoking in pregnant women

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According to the international consultation on environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) and child health, International Journal of Physiology, July-September 2020, Vol 8, No 03 7 as western countries indirect exposure to smoking is not exhaled CO13. there is a direct link between the uncommon. There is evidence thatpassively smoking level of CO in an expectant mother’s breath and the pregnant women show harmful effects on outcome level of CO in her unborn foetus blood. This is known as of pregnancy as those of smokingmothers. The so called passive smoker inhale the side stream smoke arising from burning end of the cigarette which contributes to 85% of smoke present in the room. This side-stream smoke appears to have the lethal toxic gases in considerably higher concentrations than in the mainstream smoke[5]. This study is aimed at measuring the expired air carbon monoxide levels in passively smoking pregnant women that can be correlated with exposure to passive smoking

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