
extreme progress of information and communication technologies (ICT) and use of Internet is attracting huge number of learners and educators. Latest technologies have been extensively taken up by web users and various factors are influencing such a high adoption rate. Equally use of Web-Based Instructional systems (WBIs) is becoming very popular and demanding among the instructors and the learners for the purpose of the distribution and delivery of the study material, and other education resources. The paper is written with intention to examine factors influencing web-based learning. A tool AlgoWBIs developed for learning algorithm, which had been evaluated by the computer science instructors to find out whether the tool will help in effective learning or not? This study was conducted to explore, if the presented WBI tool is useful for learning or not. The paper focuses on how to trim down the challenges of learning algorithm. In an attempt to facilitate teaching, learning and analysis of algorithm, a tool named AlgWBIs is developed and evaluated. The evaluation proves that the tool will improve the effectiveness of computer facilitated learning and will assist computer science graduate and undergraduate Keeping the benefits of Web-Based Interactive learning in mind a tool AlgoWBIs is developed. AlgoWBIs supports numerous features of interactive learning and supports the instructors and the learners of the information technology and computer science graduate and undergraduate courses. AlgoWBIs is supporting algorithm learning, various examples, exercises and self assessment approach to test knowledge level (Garmpis, 2011) for the various sorting techniques. The paper starts with the literature review, which discusses about the research done in interactive learning and summarize with various interactive tools. Then after paper describes about the inspiration behind the development of algorithm learning tool named AlgoWBIs. The development model used to develop AlgoWBIs is discussed further. After model used to develop the tool description of various builds is given. Then the most important experts review is explained. Limitations and future work is also explained at the end of paper.

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