
Objective: To determine the quality of performance of the technical actions of qualified taekwondists at the stage of specialized basic training. Material and methods: expert evaluation method; methods of mathematical statistics. Results: The results of the study showed that the experts technical actions in the middle level, which were performed by qualified Taekwondists of the experimental group before conducting the pedagogical experiment, were evaluated no higher than 3.85 points. After the pedagogical experiment, three technical actions received average marks above four points: pandal-chagi - 4.22 points, miro-chagi - 4.07, jirugi - 4.27 points, respectively. It indicates a significant improvement in performance quality of the technical actions of the experimental group (p <0.01). In the athletes of the control group, when performing technical actions in the middle level, the expert evaluation did not exceed 3.88 points (punch the body). The experts evaluated the quality of technical actions by the Taekwondists of the experimental group in the upper level with higher scores than at the beginning of the pedagogical experiment: dolio-chagi - 4.03 and nerio-chagi - 4.25 points, respectively. It indicates a significant improvement in the quality of the technical group's implementation of the technical actions of the experimental group (p <0.01). The Taekwondists of the control group also increased their expert judgment scores, but significantly less than the athletes of the experimental group (the highest score for nerio-chagi was 3.83). Conclusions: It was found that according to the expert evaluation on the 5-point scale after conducting the pedagogical experiment, the quality of performance of all technical actions in the experimental and control groups of the Taekwondists increased. However, the increase in performance is higher in the athletes of the experimental group. When performing the technical actions in the middle level, the Taekwondists of the experimental group improved their results in the range from 10.9% to 26.1%; athletes of the control group - from 1.28% to 8.38%. When performing technical actions in the upper level, the athletes of the experimental group increased the indicators in the range from 12.73% to 32.85%; athletes of the control group - from 2.5% to 7.91%. It indicates a significant improvement in the quality of performance of the technical actions of the experimental group of Taekwondo (p <0.01) compared with the athletes of the control group. Key words: expert evaluation of the technical preparedness of Taekwondo; hits in the middle; blows to the upper level; stage of specialized basic training.

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