
Study regionHindon River Basin, North India. Study focusAccurate estimation of water balance components is crucial for water management applications yet challenging due to errors in monthly gridded water balance data products. Error and uncertainty quantification is especially important in the absence of extensive in-situ data. This paper presents a prior uncertainty analysis for such situations consisting of two components: (i) quantification of prior uncertainties using metrics that quantify errors in individual products and variability and consistency between products, and (ii) reduction of prior uncertainties by eliminating unrealistic water balance estimates. New hydrological insights for the regionGrid-scale inter-product uncertainty or variability, computed as the coefficient of variation (CV, %) at various temporal scales, reveals discrepancies between water balance products due to a combination of factors, including methodological differences, inherent spatial variability, data sources, and resolution disparities. At the mean annual scale, P fluxes display a lower grid-scale inter-product uncertainty (5–9 %) than ET (20–55 %), while the ∆TWS from GRACE solutions show a moderate mean annual grid-scale inter-product uncertainty (15–19 %). Grid-scale inter-product uncertainties of ∆SMS for July – representing the onset of the monsoon season – are high (CV = 54–122 %), indicating that the uncertainty in estimates of this component may have a large impact on water balance analyses. P fluxes exhibited fewer spatio-temporal uncertainties (R2 above 0.8) than ET fluxes (R2 less than 0.75). The exclusion of the unreliable data sets resulted in (a) reducing uncertainties in input water balance components with triple collocation range shifting from 15–38 to 17–23 mm/month for ET and from 16–52 to 11–23 mm/month for P, (b) obtaining updated prior estimates of seasonal water balance. The updated priors of water balance variables per season suggest a net basin outflow (from −318 to −57 mm/season) during the monsoon (rainy) season and net basin inflow (from −38 to 330 mm/season) during the non-monsoon (dry) season, the latter related to surface-water imports from outside the basin. All GRACE data sets exhibit a regional long-term decreasing trend in total water storage (ranging from −31 to −61 mm/year), qualitatively confirming previously documented unsustainable groundwater depletion in the basin. Prior ranges and uncertainties for all water balance variables reported here can be used as input into a posterior analysis that uses in-situ data for locally calibrating (bias-correcting, noise-filtering) and further updating the prior estimates.

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