
The need for new reforms in education is caused by fundamental changes in public life, which impose new requirements on the individual, but do not find full reflection in the system of education. Modernization of the education system, the desire to achieve a more complete correspondence between the socio-economic reality and the needs of the individual are the main source of ensuring the need for quality educational services. The article presents an analysis of modern methods of assessing the quality of higher education in Kazakhstan, the need to develop a conceptual model of the accreditation system, contributing to the improvement of the domestic system of assessing the quality of education and its comparability and recognition at the international level. The article analyzes the problems of quality of education in Kazakhstan and foreign universities. In addition, the spectrum of analysis of the authors included different points of view on the quality of higher education over the past decade. The survey was attended by 40 experts from 4 leading universities of Kazakhstan: Abay KazNPU, E. Buketov KSU, M. Auezov SKSU, S. Amanzholov EK SU. On the basis of the analysis of results tendencies of development of an assessment of quality of the higher education are generalized. Key words. Higher education, educational services, quality of education, professional competencies, accreditation of HEE, expert assessment.

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