
This paper intended to relate the five stages of the procedural structure of the living experience (Erlebnis), proposed by Wilhelm Dilthey (1833-1911) and analyzed by Victor Turner (1920-1983), dialoguing with theater games proposed by Viola Spolin (1906-1994) to perceive aspects not visible at first, but present in the theater game performance. According to the structure analyzed by Victor Turner, the living experience occurs from the following stages: 1) perception; 2) images from past experiences; 3) emotions associated with the events of the past; 4) articulates the past to the present in a musical relationship; and 5) the experiment is completed by a form of expression. Theater games, proposed by Viola Spolin is based on the improvised action, essentially based on three major procedures: Focus, Instruction and Assessment. It is a learning by experience. Considering the theater game as performance, it is possible to establish the relationship between him and the five steps of the procedural structure of the living experience, realizing how the game's performance is full of, but critical to the final expression of the game not visible aspects.

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