
Objective: The teaching experience is presented in this article through the description of the training trajectory for health professionals in a Multiprofessional Health Residency (RMS) program, characterized by in-service teaching, in the lato sensu specialization modality, guided by the principles and guidelines of the Unified Health System (UHS). The RMS of the University Hospital of Grande Dourados - Mato Grosso do Sul - operates in indigenous health, considering the regional characteristics. The city of Dourados has the second largest indigenous population in Brazil. During their training, students (health workers) are trained to understand the diversity and complexity of the social, historical and cultural context of indigenous people. Method: Qualitative research of narrative review that seeks to reflect on the teaching practice and the training of indigenous health workers. Results: The RMS is identified as a privileged place to expand the understanding of the health and disease of indigenous people. There are many challenges, for example, to implement and to strengthen public policies, to advance networking as well as to intervene in social aspects. Conclusions: It was noticed that the riches such as the work based on the principles and guidelines of UHS; the expanded clinic; the linkages between health workers and indigenous communities and the reception of professionals in the various spaces where residents work. The health network is also a network of links, i.e., of life production. It is built a health education that mobilizes students and teachers for actions beyond those prescribed in the curriculum.

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