
This remedy was first, introduced to the medical profession by Cervello. I think he was an Italian, as it was soon after reported by Morello and Bergesio at a meeting of the Italian Medical Association. Paraldehyde is formed from an aldehyd or dehydrogenated alcohol by the action of an acid, either acetic, nitric, sulphuric or sulphurous. Some writers have called it an exaggerated aldehyd, as its molecular composition is a multiple of the latter by three, aldehyd being represented by the symbol C 2 H 4 O, and paraldehyde by C 6 H 12 O 3 . When acted on by chlorin it is said to be converted into chloral. It is a colorless liquid, having an unpleasant taste and peculiar odor, which remains with the breath many hours after its administration. Its specific gravity is 0.998, boils at a temperature of 225 F., and is miscible in eight times its

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