
SUMMARYA hand injector was used to inject ammonia into soils in pots in which ryegrass was subsequently grown and under grass in the field; the spacing was varied.Injecting ammonia or applying ammonium nitrate at one point or three points in the middle of a clay-loam and a sandy-loam soil in pots did not affect the growth of grass or its uptake of N. Grass with ammonium nitrate grew slightly better than with ammonia on the sandy loam and slightly worse on the clay loam.Best yields of dry matter and most uptake of N were obtained from grass swards having ammonia injected in lines 23 and 30 cm apart and the injection points from onequarter to one-half of the distance between rows. Increasing the distance between lines from 30 to 45 cm diminished total yield and uptake because the strip 15·2 to 22·8 cm from the line of injection grew less than grass nearer to the line of injection.With grass grown in rows 12·1 cm apart, yields were greatest with the lines of injection perpendicular to the rows of grass and least with the ammonia injected along and into the rows. The yield of dry matter of the row with ammonia injected into it was usually less than of the adjacent row and the percentage N in the grass was usually more, so that the weight of N in the grass sometimes increased and sometimes decreased with distance from the line of injection depending on the relative changes in yield of dry matter and of percentage N.

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