
This experimental study simulates the interaction of hotter, deeper hydrous mantle melts with shallower, cooler depleted mantle, a process that is expected to occur in the upper part of the mantle wedge. Hydrous reaction experiments (~6 wt% H2O in the melt) were conducted on three different ratios of a 1.6 GPa mantle melt and an overlying 1.2 GPa harzburgite from 1060 to 1260 °C. Reaction coefficients were calculated for each experiment to determine the effect of temperature and starting bulk composition on final melt compositions and crystallizing assemblages. The experiments used to construct the melt–wall rock model closely approached equilibrium and experienced <5% Fe loss or gain. Experiments that experienced higher extents of Fe loss were used to critically evaluate the practice of “correcting” for Fe loss by adding iron. At low ratios of melt/mantle (20:80 and 5:95), the crystallizing assemblages are dunites, harzburgites, and lherzolites (as a function of temperature). When the ratio of deeper melt to overlying mantle is 70:30, the crystallizing assemblage is a wehrlite. This shows that wehrlites, which are observed in ophiolites and mantle xenoliths, can be formed by large amounts of deeper melt fluxing though the mantle wedge during ascent. In all cases, orthopyroxene dissolves in the melt, and olivine crystallizes along with pyroxenes and spinel. The amount of reaction between deeper melts and overlying mantle, simulated here by the three starting compositions, imposes a strong influence on final melt compositions, particularly in terms of depletion. At the lowest melt/mantle ratios, the resulting melt is an extremely depleted Al-poor, high-Si andesite. As the fraction of melt to mantle increases, final melts resemble primitive basaltic andesites found in arcs globally. An important element ratio in mantle lherzolite composition, the Ca/Al ratio, can be significantly elevated through shallow mantle melt–wall rock reaction. Wall rock temperature is a key variable; over a span of <80 °C, reaction with deeper melt creates the entire range of mantle lithologies from a depleted dunite to a harzburgite to a refertilized lherzolite. Together, the experimental phase equilibria, melt compositions, and reaction coefficients provide a framework for understanding how melt–wall rock reaction occurs in the natural system during melt ascent in the mantle wedge.

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