
The previous chapter explored the challenges of inclusion, specifically with respect to women. This chapter analyzes the experiments in dialogue created in direct response to the need for inclusion and the continuation of the dialogue that Konaré had made a calling card of his government. The Éspace d’Interpellation Démocratique (EID or Question and Answer Assembly) is the principal institution created and an annual forum in which individuals publicly ask questions of government officials. Questions are submitted to an honorary jury, read by individuals at the forum, and broadcast across the nation on radio and television. Ministers are expected to respond directly to the questions posed. It is a unique and remarkable example of individuals being able to question publicly government officials on issues involving their constitutional rights. The impact of this assembly is evident in the fact that it has been replicated in the Sikasso region in Mali. The next example of dialogue that I examine here is the Programme Décennal de la Justice (PRODEJ). The National Forum on Justice took place in 1999 as part of PRODEJ and followed a series of concertations régionales in 1998. While the judicial system in Mali has serious flaws, PRODEJ should be highlighted as an important experiment in judicial reform and dialogue that illustrates the legacy of the National Conference.KeywordsJudicial SystemDeliberative DemocracyMajority PartyJudicial ReformAnnual ForumThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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