
Absorption spectrum of H(2)CS in the region 5.6-9.5 eV was recorded with a continuously tunable light source of synchrotron radiation. After we subtracted absorption bands of CS(2), our spectrum clearly shows vibrational progressions associated with transitions (1)A(1)(pi,pi*)-X (1)A(1) and (1)B(2)(n,4s)-X (1)A(1) in the region 5.6-6.7 eV. A spectrum from which absorption of C(2)H(4) and CS(2) are subtracted shows several discrete bands in the region 6.9-9.5 eV. A Rydberg state (1)B(2)(n,4p(z)) lying below Rydberg state (1)A(1)(n,4p(y)) is confirmed, and the C-H symmetric stretching (nu(1)) and CH out-of-plane bending (nu(4)) modes for a transition (1)B(2)(n,4s)-X (1)A(1) are identified. New transitions to Rydberg states associated with excitation to 5s-11s, 5p(z)-7p(z), 5p(y)-7p(y), and 3d-6d are identified based on quantum defects and comparison with vertical excitation energies predicted with time-dependent density-functional theory (TD-DFT) and outer-valence Green's-function (OVGF) methods. For lower excited states predictions from these TD-DFT6-31+G calculations agree satisfactorily with experimental values, but for higher Rydberg states the OVGF method using aug-cc-pVTZ basis set augmented with extra diffuse functions yields more accurate predictions of excitation energies.

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