
The Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) and GNU Radio framework have a wide range of applications and are actively in use for teaching, research and for practical deployment of various trending wireless technologies. In this work, we explore the relationships between the power outputs of a USRP B200 device and its operating frequencies and USRP Hardware Driver (UHD) gains. These relationships are not precisely specified on the device datasheet, thereby hindering prompt design and experimentation decisions among Software Defined and Cognitive Radio (SDCR) researchers. A general purpose handheld spectrum analyser was engaged for recording the power outputs from the USRP B200 device within an experimental testbed that was setup for this study. The B200 device was driven by a GNU radio flowgraph designed for both wired and wireless modes and running on a general purpose host computer in the testbed. The results indicate that the output power decreases while the centre frequency increases, whereas the output power increases as the UHD gain increases from 65 dB until the device reaches the saturation point at 89.9 dB. These results provide a handy toolkit for SDCR researchers and practitioners.

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