
Magnetic levitation systems (MLS) provide friction-less, dependable, quick, and affordable operations in a variety of real life applications. One of the often-employed control strategies for the MLS is traditional cascade control, which uses internal model control (IMC)-based proportional–integral–derivative (PID) and proportional–integral (PI) controllers in its primary and secondary loops, respectively. Though this control structure succeeds in achieving levitation, it falls short in terms of set point tracking and disturbance rejection performance. To overcome this limitation, a bi-loop frequency shifted IMC proportional–derivative (FSIMC-PD) strategy is used in the primary loop retaining the conventional IMC-based PI controller in the secondary loop. Routh stability constraints are used to build the PD controller for stabilizing the MLS. Once the MLS is stabilized, an FSIMC-based PID controller for reference tracking is designed for the outer loop. In addition to simulation-based performance comparison of IMC-based PID-PI cascade scheme and the proposed scheme, experimental validation is also carried out on a laboratory scaled MLS setup. Furthermore, performance evaluation based on metrics like the integral of absolute error, integral of square error, integral of time weighted absolute error, total variation of the control signal and its maximum value are also carried out to vindicate the effectiveness of the suggested design. Robust stability analysis is carried out in addition to Nyquist stability considerations to vindicate that the FSIMC-based design is capable of yielding stable closed-loop response amid uncertainties in plant model parameters.

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