
Hypotheses regarding evolution of polygyny were tested using prothonotary warblers (Protonotaria citrea), through experimental manipulations of habitat quality. Two experiments were performed. Experiment 1 involved supplying nest boxes in different breeding habitats: flooded riparian areas (high food availability) and adjacent dry bottomland (low food availability). Nine bigamous matings were induced in this experiment, all occurring in flooded habitats even though monogamous mating opportunities existed in dry areas. Costs of polygyny for secondary females in flooded habitat were similar to costs incurred by monogamous females in dry habitat. Thus, a polygyny threshold apparently existed, possibly based on differences in food abundance in the two habitats. However, male quality covaried with habitat quality, as males in flooded areas were older and larger than males in dry habitat. Secondary females may have chosen polygyny in the best breeding situation, a combination of male and territory quality. In Experiment 2 nest box density was varied within flooded habitat to allow males to monopolize different numbers of nest-sites. Monogamous females settled earlier on territories with a large number of nest-sites, and males that defended many nest-sites were more likely to become polygynous. Male physical characteristics were not related to occurrence of polygyny in flooded habitat. Limitation of suitable nest-holes ultimately constrains occurrence of polygyny in prothonotary warblers.

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