
Centrifugal Nuclear Thermal Propulsion is a second-generation propulsion concept currently being researched to succeed traditional solid core nuclear thermal propulsion. Current efforts across the space industry are focusing on development of technologies for enabling manned flight to Mars and scientific missions to the outer planets. To enable these types of mission's direct injection trajectories are needed to decrease exposure to astronauts and scientific payloads to the harsh environment of space. Current efforts in nuclear thermal propulsion have shown great promise in higher specific impulses ∼900 s, but even these levels of specific impulse fall short for manned Mars missions with durations less than two years or direct injection to orbit of the outer ice giants Uranus and Neptune without the use of gravity assists. High performance nuclear thermal propulsion has been proposed using bubble through nuclear reactors to reach specific impulses as high as 1800 s, however significant challenges exist to prove the feasibility of such a system. One of the major challenges is the fluid mechanics within the core of the engine since little is known about uranium in the liquid phase. An experimental study has been conducted to better understand the fluid dynamics to better inform the thermodynamic and nucleonic models. Using the data from the experiment, high-fidelity simulations have been developed to predict the fluid dynamics of the uranium fuel. This information can then be further fed into thermodynamics models in development to predict core temperatures and system behaviour. The validated models show that small bubbles reach thermal equilibrium, and high centrifugal forces and surface tension assist in confining the molten uranium within the reactor core. Injector methods suggest feasible configurations to encourage bubble flow while minimizing backflow of the propellant, motivating further study of Centrifugal Nuclear Thermal Propulsion based systems.

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