
Hyperfine structure plays a major role in producing “anomalous” odd-to-even isotope ratios in the stepwise excitation, ionization and mass analysis of an element with broad bandwidth, long-pulsed lasers. PAYNE et al. [ Spectrochim Acta 46B, 1439 (1992)] proposed that these anomalies may be avoided by cautious application of a simple prescription. We test the prediction by conducting a one-color, two-step ionization experiment on Sn at sufficient laser intensity such that the power-broadened width of a selected resonant transition exceeds the laser bandwidth. The laser is detuned from resonance by an amount greater than the laser bandwidth but less than the power-broadened width. The data obtained in our study confirm the prediction that a slightly detuned resonant ionization scheme effectively eliminates odd/even isotope ionization biases and that operating at adequate laser intensity produces a fairly wide detuning regime over which faithful odd/even isotope ratios are expected. Specifically, detunings of 5–10 cm −1 are sufficient to eliminate these biases in the two-photon stepwise (1 + 1) ionization by way of 3 P 0 → 3 P 1 resonance in tin (Sn) at a laser power density of 10 8 W cm −2.

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