
Nine- to ten-week-old, male castrated, specific pathogen-free derived pigs, weighing 34 to 42 kg, were exposed to a T-2 toxin aerosol (390 micrograms/liter, 1.5 microM mass median aerodynamic diameter) for a time period which allowed an amount equivalent to 8 mg/kg to be nebulized (six pigs). Control animals (five pigs) were exposed to an equivalent amount of the nebulized vehicle. Pigs were immunized subcutaneously with sheep red blood cells on Days 0 and 21. Whole blood and serum samples were taken periodically for clinical pathologic and immunologic studies. Pigs were closely observed, and daily rectal temperatures and weekly weights were measured. The T-2-treated pigs vomited and exhibited cyanosis, anorexia, lethargy, lateral recumbency, slightly elevated rectal temperature, and depressed body weight gain. The lymphocyte count decreased while the neutrophil count increased. The concentrations of total serum protein and hemoglobin declined. There was a marked increase in serum alkaline phosphatase activity on Day 1, followed by a marked and persistent decrease. Mitogen-induced (Con A, PHA, and PWM) blastogenic responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and hemagglutination titers to SRBC were also transiently decreased. Thus, inhalation exposure of pigs to a sublethal dose of T-2 toxin caused clinical signs of toxicity and adverse effects on clinical pathologic parameters and immune responses; however, most of these effects were short-lived. The changes described in our study resemble those reported in pigs given T-2 toxin by intravascular injection.

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