
In this developing country day by day technology increasing rapidly “According to the development there is an increasing in the construction process”. In construction the major role placed by concrete and steel. Due to wide ranging of steel usage the ore is also decreasing in the earth crust, so to avoid this type of scarcity or problems by using natural resources we can manufacture a fine quality reinforcing material for binding. In this process banyan tree stalks are the main component and we are not cutting the tree, just using AERIAL ROOTS of the banyan tree. If we cut them also, they can reproduce again by that tree. Banyan tree scientific name is “FICUS BENGHALENSIS” an annual fibre plant has been found to be an important source of fibers for a number of applications since good olden days. The banyan fibers has high potential as a reinforcing fiber and common home and office house tree, but in the wild forest, it’s a giant tree of Indian Jungles. Banyan tree starts out life as an epiphyte growing on another tree where some eating birds deposited seed. Banyan tree can get 100 inches tall and, with its massive limbs supported by prop roots, spread over an area of several acres. A famous banyan tree near Poona, (India) is said to measure a half mile around its perimeter and be capable of sheltering 2000 peoples. Banyan trees are native to India, Srilanka and Pakistan. The literature review and tests we are conducting has shown scanty information on the application of this fibers as reinforcing material, keeping in view the easy availability of this new and a comprehensive research work has been initiated in our laboratory on synthesis study of properties of banyan tree stalks as a reinforcing binding material by adding some resins. The composites provide characteristics that are not obtained from any discrete material systems and cohesive structures made by combining two or more compatible materials, the present work presents the results of experimental investigations carried out to evaluate the effect of partial replacement of steel in the construction. To check the properties of the prepared specimen by the banyan tree stalks, we are doing Laboratory Tests i.e., Tensile and Hardness test. The test strength at 7, 14, 28 days then comparing the values with the steel and also materials tests are to be performed.

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