
Heterogeneous ground thermal conditions caused by slope orientation are significant in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau because of the high altitude and strong solar radiation. Variation in solar radiation may result in contrasting thermal and upper boundary conditions, causing engineering problems at infrastructure with sloped embankments. Quantitative research on conditions on different man-made slopes is insufficient in permafrost regions, and consequently, planning for long-term effects on linear infrastructure is challenging. Net radiation, heat flux, near-surface temperature, soil moisture content, were recorded for one whole year (2021) at a field platform with eight slopes. Slope orientation affected net radiation (Rn) and ground heat flux (G), resulting in different energy balances between slopes. The north facing slope had a lowest Rn (174 W m-2), while the south slope had a maximum (239.8 W m-2). The north slope had a negative annual heat flux (-0.7 W m-2), while a maximum positive flux (1.5 W m-2) was recorded on the southeast slope. The annual mean surface temperature (Ts) was highest on the south slope and lowest on the north slope. The maximum difference of ground temperatures (within 30 cm depth) (Tg), was close to differences in Ts of over 4 °C. The maximum difference in soil moisture content during the thawing season (May–October) was 11% between the W and E slopes. Due to the different ground temperatures and soil moisture conditions, the annual number of freeze-thaw cycles was variable, and the maximum freeze-thaw cycles were 106 times in south slope and the minimum were 18 times in west slope. Those different thermal conditions between different slope orientations were significant, and pertinent to planning and maintenance of infrastructure. The results provide accurate boundary conditions for modeling to support development of new infrastructure that have embankment slopes in any direction, and for ensuring the stability of existing structures on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

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