
To ignite an oil-bearing stratum efficiently and safely at an operating temperature of approximately 250 °C, a new ignition agent, YHN-3, and its injection technique were developed by means of theory and experimental testing. First, YHN-3 was compounded and optimized according to stoichiometry and combustion characteristic parameters. Second, the ignition safety experiments of YHN-3 were performed using a self-made sand-packed model. Finally, the effectiveness of YHN-3 and its injection course were tested using a combustion tube. From the experimental results, it was seen that ignition agents could be carried into oil sand by an air purge technique. Moreover, YHN-3 ignited crude oils successfully and rapidly at about 230 °C, and the reaction of YHN-3 was strongly exothermic and under control. A combustion front was also established and advanced steadily during the combustion tube experiment process. Furthermore, the combustion temperature peak was 514.6 °C, and the combustion front propagation velocity was 0.48 cm/min. In short, YHN-3 and the injection technique were verified to be practical and effective in laboratory.

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