
Introduction. Solid solutions are widely used in the manufacture of particularly sensitive and high-precision devices, various kinds of sensors and energy converters, which causes a large number of workers to come into contact with them. The purpose of the study: to conduct experimental research and estimate biological effect of a solid lead-tin-selenium-tellurium (LTST) solution on warm-blooded animals. Materials and methods. Solid solution (lead (52%), tin (8%), selenium (trace) and tellurium (40%) - powder insoluble in water. Experiments were carried out on mice, rats and rabbits. Acute and chronic toxicity, cumulative properties, fibrogenic activity, irritant effect on skin and mucous membranes were evaluated. Results. According to the parameters of acute toxicity LTST is a low-hazard compound (Hazard Class 4), it has an irritant effect on skin and mucous membranes, the expressed cumulative properties (Kcum - 2.58). General toxic effect of the alloy is characterized by changes in functional state of kidneys, hematopoietic function, blood coagulation system. The compound has a moderately pronounced fibrogenic effect. Limitations. The limitation of this study is the lack of literature data of toxicological studies on the biological effect of a solid solution of LTST was the basis for its study. Conclusions. The biological effect of a solid solution of LTST on the organism was studied for the first time on models of acute, subacute and chronic experiments. According to GOST 12.1.077-76 LTST belongs to Hazard Class 4 (low-hazardous compound).The solid solution has been established to belong to compounds which may cause acute inhalation poisoning (Limac - 46.73 mg/m3). LTST is dangerous in terms of the development of chronic intoxication, has pronounced cumulative properties (Kcum - 2.58). LTST has a general toxic effect, leads to disruption of hematopoietic function, increased content of coproporferin in urine, which is associated to a large extent with the presence of lead molecule in the solution. The solid solution causes the development of a fibrotic process of pulmonary tissue. LTST is less toxic than the lead in its composition. Control over the concentration of LTST in the air of the working area should be carried out according to the MPC = 0.05 mg/m3 (lead and its inorganic compounds).

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