
Early diagnosis of postoperative inflammatory intra-abdominal complications is an urgent issue due to the lack of sufficiently informative methods. Our previous studies revealed that measurement of venous blood plasma optical density parameters (ODVBP) at a wavelength of l = 310 nm is an informative criterion for the presence of inflammatory and destructive pathology of abdominal organs. Therefore, it would be logical to assume that such an indicator can be used to assess the activity of the intra-abdominal inflammatory process after surgery.
 The purpose of the study: to assess the possibility of determining the ODVBP at a wavelength of l = 310 nm to assess the activity of the intra-abdominal inflammatory process after surgery in the experiment.
 Materials and methods. 50 white non-linear rats with models of acute peritonitis, which was modeled by intra-abdominal puncture injection of a 20% autofecal mixture at a dose of 1 ml per 100 g of weight. 12 hours after the initiation of peritonitis, a laparotomy was performed, the peritoneal cavity was washed with a decamethoxin solution. After 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours, a relaparotomy was performed, the parietal peritoneum was taken for histological examination and blood from the jugular vein. The study of ODVBP was carried out on an Agilent Cary 100/300 Series UV-Vis spectrophotometer. Animals were removed from the experiment by decapitation. Inhalational sevoflurane anesthesia was used to anesthetize the animals. Statistical calculation of research results was carried out using Microsoft® Office Excel spreadsheets (build 11.5612.5703). Testing of the law of distribution of samples for normality was carried out using the Shapiro-Wilk test. The Wilcoxon test was used to test the hypothesis of equality of means.
 Results. 12 days after laparotomy, animals showed signs of purulent peritonitis. 6 hours after washing, the animals showed peritoneal edema, desquamation of the mesothelium, a small number of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PLL) and lymphocytes. After 12 hours, the growth of peritoneal edema was observed, the desquamation of the mesothelium was maintained, and the infiltration of the peritoneal cavity of the peritoneal cavity increased. In the future, signs of subsidence of the inflammatory process in the peritoneum were observed.
 Against the background of the regression of inflammation 6 hours after washing the peritoneal cavity, the parameters of ODVBP decreased statistically significantly. After 12 hours, against the background of some increase in signs of inflammation, the indicators of ODVBP increased slightly. After 24 hours, against the background of signs of a moderate decrease in the activity of inflammation, the indicators of ODVBP decreased slightly. After 48 hours, against the background of a significant regression of signs of inflammation and the appearance of signs of regeneration processes, the indicators of ODVBP statistically significantly decreased, almost to the limits of normal values.
 The obtained data indicate that the determination of ODVBP is promising for use under clinical conditions for the purpose of control in the postoperative period. A decrease in parameters will indicate the absence of inflammatory complications, while an increase will indicate their possible development. However, this issue requires clinical research.
 According to experimental data, in rats with models of acute peritonitis, after washing the peritoneal cavity against the background of regression of inflammation of the peritoneum, ODVBP indicators at the wavelength l = 310 nm decrease statistically significantly.
 In case of activation of the inflammatory process, indicators of ODVBP increase.
 The obtained data indicate the prospects of clinical application of such an indicator for evaluating the activity of the inflammatory process and the prospects of relevant clinical studies.

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