
Purpose. The main purpose of experimental studies is to establish the adequacy of the developed mathematical models of machine fluctuations and the actual parameters of machine vibration. Almost all casting machines for the production of mill rolls have a unique design and performances. The additional aim of this work is to compare the vibration level of the casting machine with the requirements of the current vibration standards for new technological machines. Frequency analysis of the oscillations allows establishing defects in workmanship, errors of rotating parts installation and their influence on the dynamics of the machine. Methodology. Measurement of vibration parameters was performed on the moving parts of roller bearings of the machine. To measure the amplitudes of accelerations in three mutually perpendicular directions piezoelectric sensors with magnetic mount were used. Electrical signals from the sensors were recorded on magnetic tape. Further analysis of the oscillations was carried out and visualized using specialized frequency analyzer. The frequency analyzer implements the algorithm of fast Fourier transformation and/or integration of sensor input signal. After the first integration the data for plotting the vibration velocity spectrogram were obtained and as a result of the second integration there are the data of vibration displacements spectrogram of the machine supports. Findings. The results of experimental studies of centrifugal casting machine vibrations for the production of two-layer rolls were presented. There were obtained and analyzed the spectrograms of accelerations, velocities and displacements of moving parts of the upper and lower roller supports. The work of the machine is associated with the calculated values passing of critical frequencies and the short-term development of resonance oscillations of the rotor and roller bearings. Originality. For the first time the author obtained the frequency spectra of vibration of an industrial sample of a casting machine. The oscillations with frequencies that differ from the basic rotor frequency were detected. Practical value. Based on the results of the experiment, the actual vibration parameters of the machine in steady state when testing without die-casting the metal were determined. The adequacy of mathematical models of the dynamics of the machine and its industrial model was established. Using the method of one tone the coefficients of vibration velocity distortion of the rotor harmonic, indicating the nonlinear transformations in the system "rotor - bearings" were obtained. It was experimentally established that the vibration parameters of the machine are within the acceptable ranges, regulated by standards for vibroactive machines.


  • Measurement of vibration parameters was performed on the moving parts of roller bearings of the machine

  • The results of experimental studies of centrifugal casting machine vibrations for the production of two-layer rolls were presented

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Цель и постановка задачи

Целью исследований являлось получение объективной информации о динамике машины и сравнение фактических параметров вибрации с результатами исследований колебательных процессов [1,2,3], проведенных на математических моделях. Для этого выполнены измерения колебаний подвижных частей роликовых опор и фундамента машины на этапах подготовки формы к заливке металлом. 1) предназначены для измерения вибрации подвижных частей роликовых опор и фундамента в трех направлениях. В качестве вибродатчиков перемещения использовались пьезоэлектрические акселерометры типа 4321 фирмы «Brüel & Kjær». При выборе типа акселерометров учитывались условия проведения исследований: высокая температура и акустический шум. Крепились акселерометры на подвижных частях роликовых опор с помощью встроенных постоянных магнитов. Для регистрации электрических сигналов акселерометров был применен измерительный магнитофон типа 7006 фирмы «Brüel & Kjær» со скоростью протяжки магнитной ленты 48,1 мм/с. Воспроизведение при повышенной скорости движения ленты дает возможность частотного преобразования низкочастотных процессов в рабочий диапазон нормальных частотных анализаторов [11]. Магнитная запись обрабатывалась с помощью двухканального частотного анализатора 2034 фирмы «Brüel & Kjær».

Динамика нижних опор машины при работе без литейной формы
Вибрационные процессы в установившемся режиме работы
Фактическое среднеквадратическое значение виброскорости верхних опор составляет
Результаты исследований
Научная новизна и практическая значимость
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