
Salmonids are a group of teleosts with a nonspecialized gustatory system. With the aim of describing the gustatory connections in a member of this group, we carried out tract-tracing experiments using the lipophilic carbocyanine dye 1,1'-dioctadecyl 3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (DiI) in fixed brains of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). The neural tracer was applied to the primary viscerosensory column, secondary gustatory visceral nucleus (SGN), torus lateralis (TL), and tertiary gustatory nucleus (TGN), the dorsal part of the ventral area of the telencephalon (dorsal-Vv), and the medial area of the dorsal telencephalon (Dm). The primary viscerosensory column projects mainly to the SGN. DiI application to the SGN showed a bilateral and reciprocal connection with the TGN and a rostral portion of the nucleus of the lateral hypothalamic recess. The application of DiI in the dorsal-Vv and Dm at levels rostral to the anterior commissure led to labeling of a restricted group of diencephalic neurons in the TGN and sending dendrites to the TL. DiI application to the TL/TGN anterogradely labeled fibers that coursed in the medial forebrain bundle innervating the precommissural portion of the dorsal-Vv and Dm. Caudally, this type of application led to labeling of fibers in the viscerosensory column and perikarya in the SGN. Tract-tracing results showed direct projections from the diencephalic and rhombencephalic gustatory nuclei to the telencephalon. There was a direct and reciprocal connection between the SGN and the ventral telencephalon. The results showed that the gustatory connections of the trout are similar to those of teleosts, with highly specialized gustatory centers as in cyprinids and ictalurids, and to that observed in the percomorph tilapia, thus demonstrating a basic organization that is shared by most teleosts.

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