
In order to explore the disintegration characteristics of compacted loess, through the unsaturated soil disintegration instrument by independently developed,conduct the soaking disintegration experimental study on remolded soil unsaturated samples,obtained a series of experimental results:①The curves can be divided into the slow disintegration, rapid disintegration and stabilization of disintegration in three stages,the degree of compaction and water rate impact on rapidly disintegrating stage;②When the degree of compaction is certain,the disintegration rate decreased with the water contented increasing,the decreased amplitude is increasing with the moisture content increased to18%,the disintegration characteristics disappeared with the moisture content increased to 22%;③When the initial moisture content is certain, the disintegration rate decreased with the degree of compaction increasing, The time significantly prolonged when the disintegration completed. the decreased amplitude is increasing with the degree of compaction increased to 95%,the disintegration characteristics basically disappeared. Based on the relationship of degree of compaction and the moisture content to void ratio, the thesis establishes the model between the disintegration rate and the effective porosity ratio,the formula can be used to calculate the disintegration rate of compacted loess.The specific conclusions are:①When the critical moisture content increased to 22%,the disintegration characteristics disappeared;②When the critical degree of compaction increased to95%,the disintegration characteristics also disappeared.

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