
Ayurveda is referred to as a holistic system of medicine and has been integrated in general wellness applications in several countries. It deals with managing health by maintaining equilibrium of physiological constituents. Pittaj Mutrakrichha is one of the diseases caused due to Mutravaha Srotodushti i.e equivalent to UTI. Symptoms like dysuria, burning micturition and increased frequency of micturition are seen. Cases of UTI in pregnancy are generally asymptomatic. E. coli is the offending organism in over 90% cases. The incidence during pregnancy ranges from 2-10%, other pathogens include Enterococcus, Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella pneumoniae and also fungi, yeasts and viruses. Bacteriuria is typically present at the time of the first prenatal visit, and if an initial positive urine culture is treated, less than 1% of women develop urinary infection. The topic i.e., antimicrobial effect of Haritakyadi Kwath was assessed in- vitro against most common microbial agents associated with UTI. I attempted the experimental study on Pittaja Mutrakrichha with herbal preparation named “Haritakyadi Kwath”. Experimental study was carried on 2 different characterised strain of bacteria (E. coli, Enterococcus faecalis) and characterised strain of yeast (Candida albicans). Haritakyadi Kwath has been chosen to see the effect on the patients of Pittaja Mutrakrichha (UTI in pregnancy). Haritakyadi Kwath consists of 5 constituents namely Haritaki, gokshur, amaltash, pashanbhed and yavasa. On the basis of experimental study, it can be concluded that Haritakyadi kwath is efficient in producing significant improvement in Pittaja Mutrakrichha.

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