
The article presents the results of an experimental study of the non-stationary process of contact heat transfer between hot coke and siderite ore. To conduct this study, an experimental installation of a cylindrical shape was built. As process of the material used siderite ore (FeMgCO3) sfericheskoi shape with a diameter of 20 mm. Based on the accepted diameters of siderite ore and coking coal was considered a uniform distribution of process material in the layer of coke, based on the determined quantitative ratio of 1:17. Heat exchange is carried out due to the temperature difference only between the hot spherical pieces of coke and cold spherical piece of ore. High-temperature experimental study of the contact heat transfer process allowed to determine such parameters as: the total heat transfer time, the cooling time of coke, the heating time of siderite ore in the coke layer of spherical shapes, the average mass temperature of coke cooling and heating of siderite ore.

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